Coming Home to Write



A Way of Prayer
Koinonia Publications

The Cotton Patch Evidence: The Story of Clarence Jordan and the Koinonia Farm Experiment
by Dallas Lee
Afterword by Bren Dubay

Cynicism and Hope
edited by Meg Cox
Chapter 8: Sink Into Cynicism or Soar Into Hope? Demonstrating Hope and Patience at Koinonia Farm by Bren Dubay 

The Substance of Faith
edited by Dallas Lee
Afterword by Bren Dubay



Brief Thoughts
Koinonia Briefly, Monthly

Setting the Table at Koinonia Farm
Plough Magazine, 2015

The Koinonia Story In A Nutshell
Ekklesia Project, 2009


Listen to composer/lyricist Eric Ian Farmer sing a few lyrics from Angleton Grill
So, I asked Katie if she would be game to pick up the accountability emails again
One way to be more accountable about your writing is to join a writing group
Eric Ian Farmer is composing the music and lyrics for Angleton Grill

Writing About Writing

Not all writers have a Tom Key, a writing friend. But if you do, treasure this.
“Write every single day at the same time and in the very same place.”
If discomfort can make you grow, I grew a lot by the time I finished this book
If you want to write, you have to read