Coming Home to Write


A synopsis for each play is coming soon. Thanks for checking back.


Synopsis: It is June 1900, the beginning of hurricane season. New Orleans and the nation are reeling from a particularly horrific murder. Madeleine and Gabrielle Leveque come from a family of means so why were they working as housekeeper and cook? And why would they murder their wealthy employers in such a gruesome way? With only circumstantial evidence against her, Gabrielle is released to her mother, Marguerite. Madeleine is declared insane, and institutionalized at the Louisiana Retreat for the Feeble Minded. Sister Thérèse begins to visit her and engineers her release reuniting her with her sister and mother in Galveston, Texas. On September 8, 1900, the day the 1900 Storm made landfall, there is an explosive unveiling of family cycles, secrets and who committed the murder.

Irish Mist

Synopsis: Irish Mist opens on the night Ann Richards becomes the governor of Texas. Jamie O’Hanlon is the last of a group of women friends who have left their jobs in theater. To avoid the pain of grieving, she works compulsively to hide from her overprotective friends and to complete the renovation of a pub. When Timothy, a student from Ireland, offers to help with the renovation, Jamie allows him. Together, she and her friends learn the ancient way of Irish dancing, storytelling, and keening to help process the realities of life: loss, the “f-word”, and politics.

Angleton Grill


Rain on the Roof



Listen to composer/lyricist Eric Ian Farmer sing a few lyrics from Angleton Grill
So, I asked Katie if she would be game to pick up the accountability emails again
One way to be more accountable about your writing is to join a writing group
Eric Ian Farmer is composing the music and lyrics for Angleton Grill

Writing About Writing

Not all writers have a Tom Key, a writing friend. But if you do, treasure this.
“Write every single day at the same time and in the very same place.”
If discomfort can make you grow, I grew a lot by the time I finished this book
If you want to write, you have to read